NOTICE: All International Orders now require a phone number. Regulations now require a phone number and L.L.D General Care Products Inc. can not process the order without it.
SHIPPING RATES: Due to two recent sharp increases in shipping I have had to increase the shipping rates for smaller orders by $1.00 Shipping costs of orders under $15.76, the shipping rate will be $10.00 for domestic shipping within Canada and USA. Orders $15.77 to $54.99 to Canada and the USA is $6.00 FREE SHIPPING on orders over $55.00 to Canada and USA. Orders are shipped by Canada Post. Domestic shipping within Canada takes one to seven business days. To the USA, please allow fourteen (14) business days as these parcels have to clear customs and are being shipped from Canada. The above shipping rates will apply if you order with a friend as long as the order goes to one shipping address. The above rates do not apply to International shipping (outside of Canada and the USA).
The Canadian Dollar and the US Dollar are no longer at par. US Dollar is worth about 18 cents more than the Canadian Dollar.. The current exchange rate as of Jan.23/15 is 21.5 %. The flat rate of shipping cost of $8.50 Can D ( of orders under $55.00) does not cover the actual rate of shipping within Canada or to the USA. Domestic shipping within Canada is $13.00 and up and shipping to the USA by Canada Post Airmail Small Packet (cheapest method) for up to 250 grams (1/2 pound) is $8.65 CanD. This does not include shipping materials. or labor. Shipping by Canada Post Expedited Parcel is used for parcels over 500 grams ( about one pound) to the USA. International Shipping costs are $9.54 Can D for up to 250 grams total parcel weight. Four jars of FOOT FRESH deodorant is just under 250 grams including shipping materials. I can ship four jars of the FOOT FRESH herbal cream deodorant for the same costs as one jar. FREE SHIPPING on orders over $55.00 to Canada and the USA. Order with a friend; as long as the order goes to one shipping address, the shipping rates will apply. The above shipping rates are possible because we are using PAY PAL as our payment processor. PAY PAL has a contract with Canada Post for cheaper shipping rates. L.L.D. General Care Products Inc has much more than matched those discounts to make the above shipping rates possible.
This website is perfectly safe with PAY PAL as the payment processor. For extra protection we have purchased Rapid SSL to make sure that your vital information is protected and secure. You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to make payment as PAY PAL accepts all major credit cards. PAY PAL is the payment processor for E-Bay and processes millions of dollars each day. You get the same consumer protection with Pay Pal on the website as you would if you were ordering a product on E-Bay. When you order off this website, your credit card information is not seen by any person; all we get is the order and confirmation that PAY PAL has processed your order. Also, e-mail addresses or any other information is NOT given to anyone outside of LLD General Care Products Inc.. Your address and e-mail address is only used to process your order.
If you are not comfortable using the website to order you can send a cheque to: L.L.D. General Care Products Inc. 141 Maple Ave. Yorkton, SK S3N 1W2 TOLL FREE: 1-877-553-3668 If you need an order form please call the TOLL FREE telephone number so that a order form can be e-mailed to you. Or you can order by telephone and we will calculate the total order for you and we will ship the order when we receive the cheque. The above shipping rates do not apply to orders using an order form or telephone orders as these orders have to be taken to the local Post Office to mail. The order is shipped when cheque arrives. The above shipping rates DO NOT APPLY to telephone orders as these orders have to be taken to the local Post Office.